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Rocky Shores

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[High] [Mid] [Low]      [Taxonomic]       [alphabetical]

Species By Zone Height

High Intertidal Zone:   +1 m to >1.5 m  (+3 to >5 ft)   
Mostly bare rock at upper limits; patchy cover of hearty red algae, barnacles, & limpets

Rocky Shores
Rocky Shores




In Pools

Under Rocks

Red Algae

Brown Algae

Green Algae

Mid-Intertidal Zone:     +.15 m to +1 m  (+0.5 to +3 ft)
High cover of algae & invertebrates; little free space. 
Many high-zone species also occur in the upper mid zone.

Side/under rocks, overhangs

In Pools

Wave exposed areas

Red Algae

Brown Algae

Green Algae

Low Intertidal Zone:   below +.15 m (0.5 ft) to lowest exposed levels
Rocks covered with multiple layers of algae & sessile invertebrates.

Many colonial subtidal species also occur in the low intertidal.

Red Algae - many mid-zone reds also occur in the low zone

Brown Algae

Green Algae


Browse Rocky Shore Organisms by Taxonomic Group

Species listed alphabetically within each group

Cnidaria - sea anemones, corals, hydroids

Echinoderms - sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle stars

Molluscs - snails, nudibranchs, bivalves, chitons

Limpets - cap-shaped snails

Crustaceans - crabs, shrimp, isopods, amphipods

Barnacles - sessile crustaceans

Other Phyla - sponges, worms, etc.

Rhodophyta - red seaweeds

Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae  - brown seaweeds

Chlorophyta  - green algae
